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Com fundamento, cito uma das célebres afirmações do meu querido pai El-Hage Aliu Assimiu Jalo:

"Aquele que diz a verdade não merece punição!"


"We will not enjoy peace without security, we will not enjoy security without peace, and we will not enjoy either without respect for human rights." 

(see A/59/2005)

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Há vários anos prestando serviços na área de ensino da língua inglesa nos locais de serviço de várias instituições, e tendo adquirido uma experiência que nos permite com segurança, exaltar a alta qualidade de nossos serviços, solicitamos a oportunidade de serví-los por um período de teste, ao fim do qual, esperamos ter conquistado a confiança necessária para lhe propor firmarmos um contrato mais duradouro. 

Estamos no mercado com a finalidade de oferecer soluções práticas e inteligentes, com pontualidade, qualidade e confiabilidade face aos desafios da globalização através de aprofeiçoamento da língua inglesa. 

Assim, gostaríamos que analisassem a seguinte proposta de prestação de serviços abaixo:  

  • English for Work Concept Note and Summary: Parts of speech and vocab rules. 

Estejam certos de que, se aprovarem nossa proposta, não mediremos esforços para nos colocarmos sempre à altura de suas exigências. Tanto nos honraria servir sua conceituada instituição, que estamos dispostos a lhes oferecer uma redução de 10% do custo final, que será posteriormente acordado, dependendo do numero dos inscritos no curso. 

Respaldados numa boa imagem, conquistada com muito respeito e atenção aos problemas de nossos clientes, tomamos a liberdade de informar de que ao longo do curso fornecemos todos os materiais didáticos e assim, destacando a eficiência dos nossos serviços. 

Aguardamos Vosso parecer, e colocamo-nos à disposição para quaisquer esclarecimentos adicionais. 

Cordiais saudações, 

Coordenadenação do Learning with Innovation 


Concept Note: English Course

English for Work

If you want an international career in a global workplace, this intensive English course is a big help. Develop the fluency, accuracy and communication skills you need to work confidently in the English-speaking business world.

Every week you will take from 2 to 10 hours: lessons of General English and lessons of Business English.

You’ll get more out of this course if

  • You want a career in an international environment.
  • You need English in your job.
  • You want to change career and improve your chance of getting a good job.
  • You want to learn English for business-world success.


What can you expect on this course?

General English - lessons per week

This course builds your General English skills, and then focuses what you have learned on the language you will need in the workplace. Through intensive practice in speaking, listening, reading and writing, you will have gained the means to express yourself effectively in English. So in future, whether you want to write a report or give a presentation, you can do so with fluency, accuracy and confidence.

Business English - lessons per week

English is the world's language of business, politics, international relations, culture and entertainment. This course will develop your skills, helping you build an international career.

As part of your week Business English lessons you can study:

  • Negotiating contracts
  • Management and HR
  • Branding and promotional strategies
  • Project management
  • Company budgets

 You will also learn about 'soft skills' such as:

  • Giving opinions
  • Making recommendations
  • Presenting different scenarios
  • Solving problems

And you will develop important workplace skills such as:

  • Writing a CV
  • Telephone English
  • Preparing for an interview
  • Giving presentations


Develop your international prospects

By the end of your time with EC, important doors will have opened for you. You will have improved your English fluency and will have the language, knowledge and skills to confidently deal with a variety of business issues.

General & Business English Lessons


Parts of speech and vocab rules







Prefixes (non-, inter-, post-)
Suffixes (-ation, -al, -ize)

Contractions (I'm, aren't, here's)
Informal Contractions (gimme, gonna, wanna)

WH Question Words (WHo, WHat, HoW)

Topic vocabulary

Sports Vocabulary with Quizzes (award, champion, stadium)
includes Olympics Vocabulary, History and Quizzes

Christmas Vocabulary (holly, Santa, turkey)

Survival English  Key words, phrases, questions and answers for beginners.


The World

North, South, East & West

Weather (rain, raining, rainy)

Numbers (1/one, 2/two, 3/three)

Top 20 Business Words - useful vocabulary in the following business categories: Abbreviations, Advertising, Air Travel, Banking, Company Structure, Computers, Contracts, Correspondence, CV/Resume, Employment, Import/Export, Insurance, Law, Marketing, Meetings, Money, Newspapers, Numbers, Presentations, Property, Publishing, Punctuation, Selling

Floors of a House (ground floor, first floor)

Floors of a Commercial Building (ground floor, mezzanine, 1st floor...)

Colours (red, orange, yellow)

Shapes (square, circle, triangle)

Illustrated Vocabulary

Computer Vocabulary (backup, cache, DOS)

Family (father, mother)

Animal Terms (lion, lions, lion, lioness, lion cub, a pride)

Criminals and Law Breakers (murderer, deliberately kills)

English for Work

Rooms in a House
Furniture and Decor

Human Body
Medical Concerns

Business Vocabulary
Negotiations Vocabulary
Meetings Vocabulary
Telephone Vocabulary

Vocabulary about Pollution
Vocabulary about Endangered Species

Useful Phrases in Greetings

Vocab reference

English Alphabet (a, b, c)

English Phonetic Spelling (alpha, bravo, charlie)

Synonyms and antonyms - What's the difference between a synonym and an antonym?

Word Lists

Confusing Words

Figures of Speech (like a bat outta hell)



A list of English quotes and quotations, giving author details, word definitions and contextual notes.

A reference of English sayings and proverbs, giving possible interpretations, word definitions, explanations, origins, quizzes and answers. Arranged alphabetically and by category.


A reference of English slang words and phrases, with definitions, sample sentences, origins, notes, warnings, quizzes and answers. Arranged alphabetically and by category.

A reference of English phrasal verbs, with definitions, explanations, example sentences, quizzes and answers. Arranged alphabetically.


A reference of English idioms and idiomatic expressions, with definitions, explanations, sample sentences, quizzes and answers. Arranged alphabetically and by category.

Idioms by category | with quizzes

Collocations (white coffee, make your bed, do your homework)

Functional Language

British English/American English (lift/elevator)

Weight (grams, kilograms)

Male and Female (king, queen)

Ranks - British/American (captain, sergeant)

Foreign Words In English

Roman Numbers (i, ii, iii, iv, v)

Latin Words In English (inter alia)